Home Caribbean Caribbean Medical School Residency Match – UMHS Student Testimonials

Caribbean Medical School Residency Match – UMHS Student Testimonials

Caribbean Medical School Residency Match – UMHS Student Testimonials

As a class you’ll notice that our match list is way longer than any before you can see that our school is growing, and people are achieving residences and much more prestigious fields. so for me I’m matched in surgery. I have to thank St. Kitts I have to thank UMHS to give me the opportunity and the ground work to get me into a competitive field.

With regards to you know individuals going to Caribbean medical schools wanting to come back into Canada. It is available. It is it is certainly something that is doable. As I am a prime example.

I’m matching back in my hometown and like close to my hometown in Illinois in Springfield I’m from Bloomington normal but hour and a half away. it’s it’s been a great experience to go all the places I have during med school and get those experiences but coming back home is just great because you know the people you know where people come from you know where these patients have been. I mean if they talk about where they’re from or what doctors they’ve gone to you might know them it’s just wonderful camaraderie as well.

For the residency match we get emails from school for each step of the process. So we go in knowing what we need to do what we need to prepare way in advance.

And I’m really happy I got my first choice in residency. I couples matched with my
husband, to the same program. The best part, I knew where I was going even before the match took place because the program director told me if this is where you want to be your spot is secure. So I was so relieved and so happy that we both got in together.

During the interviews, I thought I would be stigmatized for going to a Caribbean school but that wasn’t the case at all. If anybody were to ask about the school they’ll be asking, Oh what is it like living in St. Kitts? Isn’t it hard to study when when you are on a beautiful island? So that’s the kind of questions that they would ask, not why did you choose to go to Caribbean school? I applied to about 80 programs and I received interviews for 13 of them so it’s a it’s a pretty good rate and I’m very happy and everybody all the programs that I interview that were very nice to me. I didn’t feel like they were judging me at all. So I think I’m in pretty good demand.

00:02 How well do UMHS Students do when it comes to getting their match?
00:03 Justin Eagleston, Mansfield, OH Surgery, Good Samaritan Hospital, OH
00:23 Aaron Hoo, Vancouver, BC Family Medicine, University of Manitoba, CN
000:35 Elizabeth Nielsen, Bloomington, IL
Internal Medicine, SIU SOM, IL
01:05 Merrie Oei, Markham, ON
Internal Medicine, Griffin Hospital, CT
01:17 Thivisa Rajagopal, Ottawa, ON
Family Medicine, Washington Hospital, PA
01:41 Merrie Oei, Markham, ON
Internal Medicine, Griffin Hospital, CT



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