Home USA Easy USA Green Card for Indian Students | Increase in H1B Allotment? | MS in USA | Vatsal Raval

Easy USA Green Card for Indian Students | Increase in H1B Allotment? | MS in USA | Vatsal Raval

Easy USA Green Card for Indian Students | Increase in H1B Allotment? | MS in USA | Vatsal Raval

I reviewed the entire new Immigration tasks that Joe Biden is planning to take over after he will join the white house. The best take away of his first 100 days of planned activities can be found in this video. He has made some extraordinary decisions to help immigration system of USA.

This video covers the changes in the immigration rules for the following Visa Statuses?

Are you currently on H1B visa or seeking an H1B Visa?
Are you a current international student in USA?
Are you planning to come to USA from other countries for your education?
Are you waiting on Family based immigration for a long time?
Are you seeking an asylum or refugee status in USA?
or Are you coming to USA on the temporary work Visa?

Watch this video and comment your thoughts on this. I would much appreciate this.

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