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Today I’ll discuss an interesting concept that I discovered many years ago. It has to do with optimizing your life and living in luxury in different places in the world, all year round.
To start with it’s good to realize that there’s no perfect place in the world. This has especially to do with the weather, because places tend to get too cold or too hot at certain seasons.
So this means that you’ll be moving places, couple times a year. If you’re very rich you can afford to have houses or apartments in all these places. This is more comfortable and makes more economical sense than hotels in the bigger picture.
But what happens to your expensive luxurious property when you’re not there?
What will happen to your domestic staff, such as maids, chefs, etc? Are you going to keep them around even if you’re not in the property? Are you going to lay them off and do the hiring again when you’re back in that place? Seems inefficient either way.
So what if you had a network of people, who owned properties in different places, and you were to swap places with them? Part of the year you stay in their place, and they stay in yours in a different country.
At the same time, if your place is big enough you can have lots of your friends together at the same time. This will depend a little on the stage of life you’re at.
This way you will drive down the costs, while having a good time.
How to divide the costs, and to decide who should pay what in this case? Well, think about the private, closed circle AirBnB system.
You can get together with some people, pick the country/city that you like and make a plan. You can get a place in Portugal, your friend can get a place in Italy, and the third person can get a place in Turkey, etc.
This way you don’t have to pay to maintain your bases in different parts of the world, you can only pay for one, while enjoying the benefits of multiple places.
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Author: Michael Rosmer
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