Home Caribbean Countries Which Sell Citizenship For Money

Countries Which Sell Citizenship For Money

Countries Which Sell Citizenship For Money

Looking to buy an instant citizenship? The idea of buying a citizenship started when a small tiny island of St Kitts and Nevis introduced “oldest” economic citizenship program in 1984. Commonwealth of Dominica (not to be confused with the Dominican Republic) followed St Kitts by introducing another citizenship by investment scheme in the 1990’s. Not many people knew about these programs back then, it was only in 2009 when St Kitts and Nevis signed visa waiver agreement with European Union (Schengen states), these citizenship programs gained glory and the whole new citizenship industry was born.

It is estimated about 1% of the worlds rich, spend $1 billion in citizenship passports every year. IMF reported citizenship sales brought St Kitts and Nevis inflows up to 25% of GDP. The same was experienced in Dominica and Dominica. In 2015 a tropical storm wiped out 90% Dominica, funds from the citizenship program helped Dominica to recover. In Malta, the revenues from Individual investor programme accounted for 40% of 2014 tax revenues. Cyprus through the inflows from citizenship program in 2011 the real estate market is growing steadily now, and the economy is recovering from the banking crisis in 2013 during which many Cypriot banks have suffered losses and many wealthy Russians who had over 100,000 euros with banks lost their money.

Today there are three more new instant citizenship programs running in Antigua & Barbuda, St Lucia, Grenada, followed by Cyprus and Malta in Europe.

I have prepared a quick list of countries, where you can get instant citizenship within months against paying one-time investment to the Government. Please note that in most countries tax status is based on residency, not citizenship. There are some countries where you can buy citizenship.



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