Just because a building contractor puts the name HILTON, or any other name brand with his development does not mean the project will be finished. Ultimately you need to look behind who the builder is, does he have the money in hand to build WITH NO DEBT and how long has his company been in that area? In other words is he going to be here today and gone tomorrow? Does the owner in the development actually have his main home in the same country he is building and has he had massive complaints? Is his quality in construction good? If you would like to legally get your income taxes to zero or to get a second passport in as quick as 45 days, go to the above website and hit the button on the top of any page and click on the tab that says APPLY WITH US and then fill out the questions and then hit the button on the bottom that says SEND IT TO US and we will get back to you to help solve your problem. Thank you.