Home European IMG Psychiatrist Path to ST training in Psychiatry

IMG Psychiatrist Path to ST training in Psychiatry

IMG Psychiatrist Path to ST training in Psychiatry

IMG Psychiatrist path to ST training in Psychiatry.
(Recorded 4th Nov 2021)

IMG doctors may follow a different path to ST training in comparison to the UK trained Psychiatrists and IMG doctors may pass the MRCPsych exam while working in home countries, non-training or on the MTI posts.

This event was online interaction with some IMG Psychiatrists who secured ST training in the last recruitment cycles (Aug 2021 and Feb 2022) and they shared their experience of Certificate C, self-ranking using experience from the outside of the UK, GMC registration and the interview process.

The participants included:
Dr Anubhav Naik (ST4 in SLAM)
Dr Amit Chougule (ST4 in Cambridge)
Dr Saqib Siddique (ST4 IN North West England)
Dr Vineet Sukumar (to be ST4 in Yorkshire form Feb 2021)



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