Home European How To Dodge Tax In The UK…Legally – Tax Avoidance Is Your Duty

How To Dodge Tax In The UK…Legally – Tax Avoidance Is Your Duty

How To Dodge Tax In The UK…Legally – Tax Avoidance Is Your Duty

When it comes to your wealth, tax is a weapon of mass destruction. If you don’t keep tax to a minimum your money will slip through your fingers. We all know that money properly invested compounds over time into huge sums, but how can it grow if the tax man has his hand in your pocket?

While the UK tax system is generally set up so that the less affluent pay less tax, those that are fortunate enough to have even a small amount of money will find that they get taxed at every possible point.

You pay tax to drive to work, you get taxed when you get paid your wage, you get taxed when you spend that wage, you get taxed when you invest, you get taxed when that investment performs well, and you get taxed when you die.

Avoiding tax is not the soulless evil act that many of the left-wing media would have you believe. In this video, we’re going to look at a few ways to dodge and avoid tax legally in the UK. Let’s check it out…


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