With the global economic shutdowns brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has had more time to dedicate to processing immigration petitions such as Form I-526. The chief of the Immigrant Investor Processing Office (IPO), Sarah Kendall, also announced in a public engagement in March 2020—before the pandemic had substantially impacted the United States—that the office was better positioned than in FY2019 to process EB-5 petitions. Processing data from FY2020 Q2 indeed bears out the prediction of increased productivity, although the true state will not be known until data is released for the latter two quarters.
If USCIS’s estimated processing time range is any indication of processing productivity, the outlook for EB-5 investors may be bleak. USCIS has updated the estimated time range for I-526 processing to 46 to 74.5 months—an increase of more than a year. In May 2020, the estimated processing range was only 29.5 to 44.5 months, meaning the entire range has nearly doubled as of July 2020.
The range also starkly contrasts the most recent estimated processing range update, which was 29.5 months to 61 months. While the latter estimate increased significantly, the former remained stable, but in the newest iteration, both have surged forward, leaving EB-5 investors to expect wait times of 3.8 to 6.2 years for I-526 processing.
When looking at USCIS’s estimated time ranges for petition processing, EB-5 investors must understand what they represent. Not all investors have their petitions adjudicated within the estimated time range—in fact, the majority don’t. Half of investors receive an adjudication before the first number in the range, and 93% of investors receive an adjudication before the second number in the range. Thus, many EB-5 investors can expect a far faster adjudication than seemingly indicated.