Home European Boris unleashed a "rage" of punishment as the British in Spain faced hell.

Boris unleashed a "rage" of punishment as the British in Spain faced hell.

Boris unleashed a "rage" of punishment as the British in Spain faced hell.

Boris unleashed a “rage” of punishment as the British in Spain faced hell.

BORIS JOHNSON has ordered to be tough on the Spanish Government as expats in the UK face selling their homes and leaving the country over post-Brexit issues.

Britons in Spain must currently meet certain conditions to obtain residency status, including financial means and health insurance. More than 350,000 Britons have applied for permanent residence in Spain, but recent statistics show that 2,400 applications for UK residency have been rejected this year.

UK citizens can currently only visit Spain without a visa for up to three months for tourism and business purposes, and the Spanish Government has warned welcoming them overdue could considered a “serious offence”.

This situation has raised concerns among the British community abroad.

The penalties range from fines of between €501 and €10,000, possible expulsion from Spain as well as a potential ban from the Schengen area (Spain, France, Greece and Portugal) for six months to five years.

When asked about foreigners being forced to sell their homes in Spain, Leon Fernando Del Canto, founder of the London-based Del Canto Chambers tax department, told Express.co.uk: “This is a problem. serious for people who don’t want to become tax residents in Spain and who bought their property before Brexit.

“In my view, there is a serious human rights violation in those cases, because no one should be deprived of their right to freely enjoy their property.

“The 90-day Schengen limit should be waived for those cases.

“It is quite worrying for those who owned real estate in Spain before December 31, 2020 and who do not yet have a residence permit.

“The UK government should bring the matter of human rights of property owners affected by Schengen to the Government of Spain.

“This is also a case in other EU jurisdictions.”

Del Canto has launched a furious attack on the problems faced by British expats buying homes in Spain before Brexit, alleging their human rights have been violated under the European Convention on Human Rights. Europe (EHRC).

He added: “Their rights are being violated by the limitations of Schengen under the European Human Rights Convention (EHRC).

“This states that individuals have a legal right to ‘peacefully enjoy’ home ownership and that expropriation by states is subject to certain fair and equal conditions.”

“It is worth noting that in addition to the UK being a member of the Council of Europe, the ECHR applies to any foreign national in Spain.

“State rules that prevent people from peacefully enjoying their property, regardless of whether or not it is their primary place of residence, are likely to directly infringe on a treaty right.” there.”

Spain is doing wrong with the terms of the Brexit deal by deliberately making it difficult for the British people.

“A lot of retired Britons are starting to sell,” he said.

“They usually come here in September or October and then stay until April/May for six months with better weather.

“But now they can only come for 90 days and also a lot of them used to drive down. The Spaniards are currently quite demanding on foreign plated cars and mostly British cars.



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