Home European CLASTIC Residency 2018

CLASTIC Residency 2018

CLASTIC Residency 2018

5 European Performing Arts Groups gathered into an artistic residency of a week in BILOURA’s working space in Italy. The artists reflected together on “Cultural Heritage” and share the reflection with the local community through a performance, which took place on July the 20st 2018 in Ivrea city (Italian Alps). CLASTIC has been a week of generosity, cooperation, creativity and profound reflections on our cultural identities and on our social responsibilities as European citizens.

The residency was organized by BILOURA Collective and Elena Brea (Spain), supported by the University College London – Faculty of Arts & Humanities.
The selected companies were: HYENAZ (Berlin), I Patom Theatre (France),

Iva Korbar – Theatre of Inconceivable (Croatia), TanzTheatre Adrian Look (UK).
Video documentation by Sara Casiccia



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