Home European Henley, the world's leading passport index, has released its 2021 Passport Rankings.

Henley, the world's leading passport index, has released its 2021 Passport Rankings.

Henley, the world's leading passport index, has released its 2021 Passport Rankings.

Japan won the title of the world’s most powerful passport!
Hanley has released a ranking of 110 countries’ passports, in which Japan has once again become the world’s most powerful passport, while Pakistan is ranked 107th out of 110 countries .Last year, Pakistan was ranked 192nd in the list, while before that, in 2018, Pakistani passport was ranked 198th.
According to the list, Singapore is second, Germany, South Korea third, Finland, Italy, Spain ,Austria fifth, Denmark fifth, France, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden sixth, Belgium, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA Seventh, Greece, Malta, Norway eighth, Australia, Canada ninth and Poland and Slovakia tenth.

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