Home USA Tax Consequences for US Green Card Holders

Tax Consequences for US Green Card Holders

Tax Consequences for US Green Card Holders

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We all know that American citizens need to pay taxes on their worldwide income, no matter where they decide to live in the world. As long as you have an American passport, you will be paying American taxes on your income of over 100k per year, even if you live abroad.

But what about permanent residents, as known as Green Card holders? What are the tax implications for them? If they decide to leave the US and relocate abroad do they need to pay exit tax? Are they paying exactly the same taxes as American citizens?

Today we’re talking about the tax obligations of Green Card holders. Here is some advice for you guys if you want to make sure to relieve your tax burden, and avoid all the hassles if you decide to leave the States at one point in the future.

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Author: Michael Rosmer

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