Home European Active Citizenship and the Young Church

Active Citizenship and the Young Church

Active Citizenship and the Young Church

Alexia Abela from Youth Alive foundation, Anton d’Amato from Zuntier.com, Raoul Briffa from Kummisjoni Djocesana Tfal, Maria- Liza Scicluna from Qawra Girl Guides and Pauline Bartolo sharing their experiences of how they are active citizens in their own simple ways.

This video was possible through collaboration between BOSCOcrew and Sal Terrae.

Feature shot & edited by BOSCOcrew (www.boscocrew.org)
Camera Operators – James Spiteri, David Camilleri & Yurgen Schembri
Production Assistant – Cheryl Camilleri

Directed by James Spiteri

Special thanks to Teatru Salesjan, Dar Frate Jacoba, University of Malta



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