Home European Malaysia is NOT an Option Anymore / Where to Move Instead?

Malaysia is NOT an Option Anymore / Where to Move Instead?

Malaysia is NOT an Option Anymore / Where to Move Instead?

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Unfortunately, the new and updated MM2H (Malaysia my second home) program is not exactly what people expected it would be. Many would consider it a disaster – an immigration program that’s designed to keep foreigners out of Malaysia.

But for many expats, Malaysia, and especially Kuala Lumpur is a lovely place to live! You get a first-world city, with third-world prices. It’s beautiful, modern, safe and people are quite friendly. Prices of real estate are quite reasonable, so it doesn’t surprise why many foreigners wanted to live there.

Unfortunately, for many of them, this is not an option anymore, so naturally, the question arises ”Where to move instead of Malaysia?”

Today, we are covering some options that might be comparable, and we will talk about different aspects: costs, weather, visa and immigration process, real estate, taxes, etc.

Should you consider Cyprus, Malta, or Portugal? What about Eastern European countries such as Bulgaria, Croatia, or Hungary?

How about UAE? Singapore or Thailand? Is Vietnam perhaps a good option? We are covering all that you need to know!

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We are Offshore Citizen team. We help people become global: get a second passport, set up a second residency, pay less taxes, do banking abroad, etc.

We have lots of interesting articles on different topics, we have relevant information up to date.

Author: Michael Rosmer

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