Who knew that my doing a video on prostitution in the DR would produce such strong reactions from people?! I heard everything from “great job” to accusations of me exploiting women. Wow! Here’s my official response. I’d love to hear your thoughts. How does this topic make you feel? What’s your reaction? Please leave me a comment below.
Quien lo hubiera pensado que haciendo un video sobre la prostitución en la RD crearía reacciones tan fuertes? Oí todo, de “buen trabajo” a unas acusaciones que yo era explotando mujeres. Wao! Aquí es mi respuesta oficial. Me gustaría saber sus pensamientos. Como le hace sentir este sujeto? Que es su reacción? Déjame un comentario abajo.
Considering moving to the Dominican Republic?
For resources and information on residency, healthcare, real estate, investing and more, the DR GO! is your go-to resource guide for answers to questions about residency, taxes, real estate (rentals and purchases), schools, healthcare and more to help you transition smoothly to life on this glorious island.
Order your DR GO! resource guide here:
Wondering about expat life, vacation properties or how to create a life you love? Let’s talk:
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Muchas gracias. xo