Moe Ameri was born and raised in Baghdad, Iraq, moved to the United States in 2007 where he learned English in high school, all the while moving all over the states. He considers Houston, Texas his hometown. He obtained a bachelor’s in science in biology from the University of Houston and a master’s of biomedical sciences from Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine. He went on to obtain his medical degree from AUC School of Medicine and Matched in Internal Medicine at Texas Medical Branch. He is a huge Manchester United fan and a big fan of Houston team sports in general. He also loves going on hikes and taking road trips. Moe has a deep passion for leadership, mentorship, and service activities. As for future career goals, he would definitely like to sub-specialize; Hem-Oncology and Pulmonary Critical Care both attracted his attention, but he’s keeping his options open and keeping an open mind.
Anyone interested in keeping up with Moe’s journey or has questions can follow him on Instagram @_drmomemes_ !
[0:23] – Medical School & Match Background
[2:57] – Leadership Experiences & Getting Involved
[5:36] – Balance, Accountability & Support
[8:16] – ERAS Application Tips
[12:00] – Doing Everything Right the First Time
[14:00] – Letters of Recommendation
[17:28] – Following Up With Programs
[21:25] – Rank Order List
[25:03] – Lessons from Successful IMG Parents
[27:50] – Recap, Best Tips, and Advice!
#MatchAResident #Match2021 #IMatched #IMGMatch #InternalMedicineResidency #InternationalMedicalGraduate #InternationalMedicalGraduates
Match A Resident ® – Your Residency Support System
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Match A Resident (MAR) is the leading service providing you with customized residency program lists. You are not required to call or email the residency programs for their requirements. Simple! Enter your credentials on our website and our state-of-the-art system will instantly generate the list for you. Visit
Residency Statement is a service that assists you with your personal statement editing and/or development visit
Residency Experts is your Medical Residency Application Solution: Providing review, editing or feedback for the MyERAS Application, Personal Statements, and Letters of Recommendation for busy medical residency applicants. Visit at:
Electronic Residency is a service that offers assistance and coaching during the Match and Post-Match seasons. Explore our new and unique SOAP℠ services. Register now at
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