Home Caribbean The Grenada Goat Dairy Project – Grenada, West Indies (an Agricultural Educational Facility)

The Grenada Goat Dairy Project – Grenada, West Indies (an Agricultural Educational Facility)

The Grenada Goat Dairy Project – Grenada, West Indies (an Agricultural Educational Facility)


While on a recent Caribbean adventure (Feb 2012) to Grenada with a few friends I discovered this really neat ‘Goat Dairy Project’ by bumping into Christine Curry who started it in 2008. Both being interested in goats we immediately bonded and the next day I visited The Grenada Goat Dairy Project upon which I briefly interviewed her and shot this video. Her Goat Dairy Project is most interesting in how it’s helping rebuild a nation by teaching local farmers about raising goats and dairy farming processes …one goat at a time! Fun story! Please watch the video and leave comments.

The goal of The Goat Dairy project is to establish a small and efficient agricultural demonstration “goat dairy” facility and produce high standard/quality products for the local market. Demonstration/training workshops for the farmers will provide information on
husbandry and health care for goats.

In addition, training will be provided for farmers and other interested individuals in food safety, production/processing and packaging. A library of books regarding goat care and goat dairy information have been provided by The Grenada Project at Belmont Estate and all farmers are welcome to these resources.

The small farm concept seeks to encourage and maintain the cultural dignity of the small, independent family farmer, rather than factory farm methods of high-volume production and mass marketing. Eventually this will encourage an enterprise of cooperative farmers that is realistically available to a large number of Grenadian citizens.

In the future, associated farmers themselves through a democratic process designed to distribute technical information relevant to successful production and to leverage collective economic advantages and privileges (e.g., bulk purchase of animal feeds, health maintenance products, infrastructure needs, government duty waivers, etc.) will be realized through cooperative networking.



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