We discuss neurology residency match with USMLE sarthi student who had an older year of graduation and was applying to multiple specialties for residency. He discusses tips for neurology residency match for IMGs and some of the following residency match topics
Is neurology competitive for IMGs?
How competitive is neurology residency for IMG?
Why is neurology IMG friendly?
Can you match directly into neurology?
How many programs should I apply to IMG?
old img residency match
old img friendly residency programs
img success story
how to find img friendly residency programs
usmle 10 years after graduation
can you apply to multiple specialties for residency
applying to more than one specialty residency
combined residency programs
how many residency programs to apply to img
applying to two residency programs at same hospital
dual applying to residency
can you match to more than one residency
Can you apply to multiple residency specialties?
Visit our website to see how we can help you with USMLE Residency Match for IMGs, ERAS CV, Personal statement for residency, USMLE step 1, Step 2 CK, rotations/electives, Research publications or Communication skills/OET for USMLE
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0:00 Introductions
2:30 Multiple specialties
4:40 Focus on one specialty
6:00 Applying to multiple
7:45 Neurology
9:25 Interviews
11:30 Tips