There is a discussion about political theories. Particularly there is a deep search for the actual meaning of citizenship & it’s implications for political theory. The social economy & politics affected the citizenship idea in each historical period. Generally citizenship is defined as a legal political or legal formal status and it carries the motion of specific duties and responsibilities. But philosophically it has a border & larger implications.
In 4th century BC & the next thousand years citizen had especial meaning, that was who participated in the activities in Polis & Civis. They came together & discuss social, political & other problems & took decision. So there was an active part of the citizens. Greek philosopher Aristotle discussed his political views in the book ‘Politics’. He thought that only beast & God were not live in a Polis. Polis was a city-state of ancient Greece. But in that period only adult male were consider as citizen. Female & marginalized people were excluded. Because the philosophers thought they had not any active role in the decision making process of the Polis. In the Roman period philosophers decided the difference between who lived in Rome & who lived outside Rome under the Roman emperor & other who were not ethnically Roman. Citizens of Rome were enjoyed more facilities than other people lived under the Roman emperor.
In late Medieval & early Modern period citizenship idea was wider than before. French philosopher Bodin, Montesquieu were tried to search about the responsibilities & duties of a citizen. They raised the question about a citizen’s relation with family, church & state. In 19th century a new economic change appeared which conceptualized as Capitalism. It leaded to a political philosophy, which was Liberalism. Liberalism & Capitalism intimately connected to each other. Liberalism leaded to a liberal concept, which was removing the restriction of citizen’s rights. Capitalism also had the same interest to free the citizens as much as possible from any bondage. Locke demanded from the state three basic rights of a citizen in same century. They were right to life, right to liberty & all above right to individual property. These were the most important demands of the citizenship.
In 20th century after World War II welfare state ideology appeared & old liberal values reviewed. They were freedom to move, freedom to think, freedom to express, freedom to acquire property etc. Most importantly Capitalism leaded to think about working class rights. Karl Marx was one of the influential philosophers into the matter. So the marginalize section of the society also took part of the citizenship theory & practice. T. H. Marshall also demanded minimum standard of living of marginalized section.
The concept of Civic Responsibility added a broader view in citizenship philosophy. Citizenship implies political participation, it implies a concept of Common good of the society, and it implies some sort of a Public spirit and Civic virtue. In the other hand Capitalism & Liberalism emerged as Liberal Citizenship. Liberal citizenship emphasizes individual’s rights. The Rights of the private citizen and private interest, which he or she expects and demands that society and the government must protect if not naturally there will be political movements and democratic pressures. So now an individual is most important in a political community. Milton or Locke and many other persons continuously speak & write about individual freedom & free speech. In present time it is in danger but most important right of a citizen. In our time Jurgen Habermas also speaking about individual rights & free thinking.