We are the leading international tax and wealth management advisers to UK nationals living in Europe.
Blevins Franks Financial Management Limited (BFFM) is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK, reference number 179731, to provide advice in the UK.
Blevins Franks Wealth Management Limited (BFWML) is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority, registered number C 92917 to provide advice in Malta and other EU countries in line with its [IDD and MiFID] passporting permissions. It is authorised to conduct investment services under the Investment Services Act and authorised to carry out insurance intermediary activities under the Insurance Distribution Act. Where advice is provided outside of Malta via the Insurance Distribution Directive or the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II, the applicable regulatory system differs in some respects from that of Malta. BFWML also provides taxation advice; its tax advisers are fully qualified tax specialists.
Blevins Franks Trustees Limited (BFTL) is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority for the administration of trusts, retirement schemes and companies.
Blevins Franks France SASU (BFF) is registered with ORIAS, registered number 07 027 475 to provide advice in France and other EU countries in line with its [IDD] passporting permissions, and authorised as ‘Conseil en Investissements Financiers’ and ‘Courtiers d’Assurance’ Category B (register can be consulted on www.orias.fr). Member of ANACOFI-CIF. BFF’s registered office: 1 rue Pablo Neruda, 33140 Villenave d’Ornon – RCS BX 498 800 465 APE 6622Z. Garantie Financière et Assurance de Responsabilité Civile Professionnelle conformes aux articles L 541-3 du Code Monétaire et Financier and L512-6 and 512-7 du Code des Assurances (assureur MMA).
BFFM, BFWML, BFF and BFTL are all part of the Blevins Franks Group Limited (BFGL) whose registered office is Gasan Centre, Triq il-Merghat, Zone 1, Central Business District, Mriehel CBD1020, Malta.
This video message has been approved and issued by BFWML, BFF and BFFM for respective use in the EU and UK.
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