Easy Visa On Pakistani Passport Without Bank Statement, European Visa, Travel and Visa Services
In this video I share with you all friends some important information about Bank Statement. If you apply for a visa in any consulate and embassy, then your Bank Statement is very important because the visa officer of the concerning consulate or embassy judge your financial position by your Bank Statement, either you are able to fulfil your all expenditures during your stay in that country, I explain in which countries you can apply for a visa without Bank Statement and in which countries you can also apply if you do not have proper or sound Bank Statement.
For more information about Visa, Immigration and Tourism, follow me on Facebook and Instagram. My Facebook and Instagram ID is the same: Travel and Visa Services.
My current videos with their titles:
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First Pakistan And Then Europe, America And Japan, Travel And Visa Services
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Seychelles is a vis free country for Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi nationals, you can earn 3 to 5 lakh rupee per month. You must watch this video. Very Informative