Want to move to the U.S.?
Do you have $100,000 to invest?
You might be eligible for the E-2 investor visa.
Learn if a startup, franchise or business for sale is right for you.
Sign up for a 100% money back guarantee U.S. Business Consultation to start your American Dream today!
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#Franchise #VisaFranchise #BusinessForSale #Franchising #VettedBiz #StartUp
Hello, this is Patrick Findaro, co-founder and managing partner at Visa Franchise. Today, I wanna talk a little bit about U.S. business consultation, which is the way that most clients that engage our services start working with Visa Franchise.
It’s generally a Zoom consultation, 45 minutes. It could go a little longer or an in-person meeting here at our offices in Miami Beach.
The idea of the U.S. business consultation is to really understand what option might be the best for you in terms of getting your E-2 investor visa, we can evaluate the startup, buying a business, or buying a franchise.
In the U.S. business consultation, I’ll go through eligible franchises, businesses for sale, go through financials of actual businesses and franchises so you can better understand historical revenues, historical profit, and really understand what would be best to focus on potentially between a franchise and buying a business. After the consultation, if we’ve determined that buying an existing business is the right route for you, we have a great network of business brokers throughout the United States and we will be happy to make a warm introduction to a business broker who has experience with the E-2 investor visa.
We can connect you with an accountant to help you with your initial and ongoing business setup and tax return needs. If a startup is the right option for you, there’s a business planning company that we work with that can help with idea formulation, researching and vetting out different vendors that you can work with, doing market research studies so you’re best prepared for your startup. The same company actually also does E-2 visa business plans, and they do nearly 1,000 every year.
So, in summary, after the U.S. business consultation, you have a very good idea of if a franchise might be the best option to explore, a startup, or buying a business. And based on that answer, we’ll lead you in the right direction if it’s gonna be a startup or business broker with a firm outside the Visa Franchise. And even the free option where you can do a self-guided franchise search where you connect directly to the franchisors if you prefer to allocate more of your time and be much, much more.
If you decide to allocate more of your time and do the study yourself, there’s also a free option working with our sister company platform vettedbiz.com. Most of our clients that we’re having U.S. business consultations already have a U.S. immigration attorney. If you don’t have one, we’re happy to connect you with a few. Over the last six or so years at Visa Franchise, we’ve worked with 50-plus immigration law firms and including over 100 immigration attorneys.
Again, this is Patrick Findaro, managing partner at Visa Franchise. If you’re not satisfied with the U.S. business consultation, we’re happy to refund the amount. As of May 2021, it’s $189 fee, no questions asked. We’ll reverse the charge in the credit card and refund you the full amount. So, it’s a 100% satisfaction guarantee. I look forward to having a Zoom call with you or even meet in person at our offices here in Miami Beach, Florida. e2 visa business consultation