Today I’m going to be talking about the growing backlog of US Visas and Green Cards at US Embassies and Consular posts around the world. If you currently have a visa case pending somewhere around the world, then this update is for you because there has been a 6-7X increase on visa cases pending that were ready for interviews making it a huge US Visa and Green Card Backlog. .
On March 1st, 2021, the Bureau of Consular Affairs issued their latest briefing on the status of visas. And basically what they said is that By way of statistics, in January 2020 there were about 75,000 visa cases pending that were ready for interviews. Thirteen months later, in February 2021, there were 473,000 – about six to seven times greater. The gives you an idea of how much longer the line has gotten since the beginning of the pandemic.
If you have a case with an embassy or consulate, we highly recommend you reach out to them directly to get an update. The reality is that embassies and consulates are reopening at their own pace.
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Michael Ruttle is an award-winning immigration attorney who speaks multiple languages in pursuit of giving his clients the utmost attention and care. Michael graduated summa cum laude (top 5%) from Whittier Law School in 2012, with a concentration in International & Comparative law.
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