Home Caribbean A day in med school in the Caribbean – St George's University Grenada | Cambridge medic VLOG #37

A day in med school in the Caribbean – St George's University Grenada | Cambridge medic VLOG #37

A day in med school in the Caribbean – St George's University Grenada | Cambridge medic VLOG #37

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Slightly different episode from the usual today. A little while ago, I spent a few days in Grenada, an island in the Caribbean. On one of the days, I visited St George’s University, a medical school in the capital city to experience life as a medical student in Grenada. I had a wonderful time being shown around by an old friend, and got some pretty sweet shots of the beautiful island. Enjoy xx

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I’m Ali, a junior doctor working in Cambridge, UK. I make videos about medicine, technology, productivity and lifestyle design. I also have a weekly podcast with my brother ( and I write a weekly email newsletter that contains some quick thoughts + links to interesting things (

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