Home USA How to Find Chinese Investors, Agents & Clients for Your EB-5 US Projects & Services

How to Find Chinese Investors, Agents & Clients for Your EB-5 US Projects & Services

How to Find Chinese Investors, Agents & Clients for Your EB-5 US Projects & Services

There are a lot of projects all over the US looking for investors.

There are also a lot of potential investors all over China wanting to acquire a US Green Card.

The US economy and business model is a stark contrast to China’s. While the US is the land of free, China is the land of enterprise, but under strict regulations and controls.

The EB-5 Visa Program provides an opportunity for American Entrepreneurs to easily attract capital from Chinese investors in exchange for Green Card Status.

This book not only bridges the investment information gap, but also serves as a introduction for any US entrepreneur looking for almost free money for his/her business project.

For Americans, it provides you with turnkey solutions, while you explore inexpensive ways to generate capital from China for your business prospects in the US. It exposes the Chinese business mindset and environment, including ways to capitalize on it for your American business advantage.

We assume you already have a feasible project, idea or product, but that you have yet to find the capital you’re looking for your startup.

With dynamics of worldwide markets shifting and economic scenarios switching, it is difficult to find reasonable seeding for your ventures that may promise sustainable profits, leaving you with enough profits to grow and move on.

How to open your window to China? Here is our trade secret — our DIY guide “How to Find Chinese Investors, Agents & Clients for Your EB-5 Projects & Services. A Practical Guide for Regional Centers, Attorneys, Developers and Businessmen.” The author, Dr. Gregory Finkelson, is an authority in International Business & Cross-Country Marketing. In the book he leads readers step-by-step through the entire process from scratch to successfully landing Chinese capital in the US.

Chinese investors are not only eager, but desperate, to reach out to the US for a wide variety of reasons. They want to move with their families out from under the communist Chinese regime to the USA due to congruent ecological issues, totalitarian policies and many other problems.

This guide itself is a testament of how accurate prospecting in China by US entrepreneurs can be a revolutionary way to nurture your projects from grass root level to multi-million dollar empires.

It’s pragmatic, plausible and verifiable. The American government provides plenty of migration incentives to Chinese investors who would like to create employment opportunities with their investments across US. The depth of the US talent pool is ready to be shared, if appropriate venture capital is reciprocated for it by the Chinese investor.

In simpler words, the EB-5 program explained in our guide will let you explore significant opportunities so that you can easily attract suitable and cost-free venture capital for your projects. The red environment in China does not give outsiders an opportunity to see through their infrastructure. Moreover, the linguistic and cultural gaps are an obstacle, although certainly not an insurmountable one, for anyone to tap this great potential.

Through our guide, you’ll be able to avail almost free money from Chinese investors who are interested, first of all, to receive Green Cards for their families. All the while, you’ll be creating real revenue for yourself with “free money.”

Free money? How?

Interest free, that is. In order for your Chinese investor to establish his enterprise in the US they need to have legal immigration status. For that they have to invest from a $500,000 to a $1,000,000 fixed for a duration of five years. They will give the money to a Regional Center or US Developer for five years interest free in exchange for the Green Card for themselves and their family.

The US-China investment situation is ideal. You can Google the facts, but what Google won’t tell you about is the deep rooted Chinese bureaucracy which has to be corresponded with American policies to make the EB-5 opportunity work. If you are a domestic entrepreneur or a key project manager needing to generate venture capital through foreign direct investments, this guide will walk you through the process of utilizing the EB-5 Investment Visa Program.

Each investor must contribute $500,000 to $1,000,000. But the beauty of the program is that you can include any reasonable number of such investors in your project reach your funding goal.

All you have to do is follow the procedure included in our EB-5 guide.

Get your copy now and learn how you can develop an abundance of Chinese resources for your projects with virtually no risk.

This resource is the only comprehensive guide that can help you fund your project and convert it into a winning enterprise using Chinese capital to support it. We invite you to visit our website at www.business-visa-usa.com

Download your copy and discover a whole new world of funding opportunities.



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