Cyprus Government introduced a citizenship investment program and new regulations in May 2019 which gives the opportunity to non-Cypriots to acquire Cyprus Citizenship and passport through an Investment Scheme and thereby obtain the Cyprus passport.
Charterhouse is an authorised / licensed company to promote the scheme and assist foreign investors in the process to acquire citizenship through the scheme. We are in a unique position to assist you in your future plans. Our structure consists of a legal team, an accounting and tax specialist team and a team of real estate and investment advisors.
We are not bound to any construction company or real estate agent and our concern is to find the best value for money investments at your disposal. As independent professional advisors is to help you from start to finish, find the best investment options and real estate properties that match your needs from a broad selection and ensure that we complete the process of naturalisation.
#cyprus #citizenshipbyinvestment #citizenship #immigration #visa #immigrationconsultant #investorvisa #passport #塞浦路斯公民