I am Awais bashir being immigration consultant and lawyer always try to helped people most of the time free of cost for get out of Pakistan our aim to send around 5million more Pakistanis abroad for good opportunities and get huge rementce bake to Pakistan we need your help to subscribe and like our videos
St. Lucia offers 4 different ways to get your second passport, which is more than other economic citizenship programs out there.
The most common route most people take is making a donation, and currently St. Lucia has got the lowest price tag of $100,000 for a single person.
The real estate option is coming along, but it will take a while to set it up.
The third and interesting route to take to get St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment where you can put money in government bonds for 5 years, after which you get your money back.
As for finding out what the fourth option is all about, keep watching the video carefully
for applying your visa please visit
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