In May 2020, The Head of Dominica Citizenship by Investment Unit Ambassador Emannual Nanthan Answers FAQ about the Dominica Citizenship by Investment Programme.
Since the video was published, Dominica Citizenship by Investment had had updates on their programme.
To learn about all the changes directly from the Head of Dominica Citizenship by Investment Unit Ambassador Emannual Nanthan Answers and the Dr. the Hon. Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister – watch here:
The Dominica Citizenship by Investment Unit (CBIU) is the official government authority that administers the Dominica Citizenship by Investment Programme, the world’s longest-running economic citizenship schemes and deals with everything from the application process to finding new investment opportunities.
Dominica’s Citizenship by Investment Programme is one of the oldest programmes of its kind and the most trustworthy. It was rated, for the fourth consecutive year by FT CBI Index, as the best Citizenship by Investment programme in the world.
Introduced in 1993 as a means of driving much-needed foreign direct investment to the island, it allows highly reputable individuals and their extended families to diversify their investment portfolio and gain second citizenship of a country that is welcoming and safe haven.
There are two routes to gain second citizenship with Dominica
The Economic Diversification Fund (EDF) supports public and private projects within Dominica, covering industries such as education, healthcare, sport, and tourism. A single applicant must contribute USD $100,000 to the EDF.
The real estate option allows applicants to invest in a real estate of their choosing from big hospitality brands to boutique hotels. The property must be held for at least three years and be authorised by the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica. This must be valued at a minimum of USD $200,000.
0:00 What makes Dominica so appealing to global investors?
1:48 What are the current options available for citizenship in Dominica?
04:22 What processes allow for such an efficient application turnaround?
06:06 Dominica is time and time again endorsed for its multi-layered due diligence processes. What are these and why are these important?
06:41 In what ways does Dominica appeal to an investor who seeks frequent travelling?
08:24 What is the connection between visa-free travel rights and who can apply for citizenship in Dominica?
09:17 Are there any other bans on prospective candidates?
09:59 In what ways is the Unit and the Government ensuring that the CBI Programme remains operational during the Covid-19 crisis and what do you think will change after the crisis?
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