Home European The Property Market, Residency and Tax Programmes in Portugal, with Gary Harland

The Property Market, Residency and Tax Programmes in Portugal, with Gary Harland

The Property Market, Residency and Tax Programmes in Portugal, with Gary Harland

Gary was born in the North East of the United Kingdom. In 2005, Gary started working with the real estate sector and since then has worked in markets across Dubai, Berlin, Cyprus and Portugal, mainly working in international real estate sales, where he met David Poston. 

The knowledge and experience gained working in worldwide property sales have helped Gary appreciate the opportunity that Portugal has to offer as a country.

With year on year growth in tourism and the increasing demand for a golden visa, the housing market across Portugal is growing from strength to strength. Adding to this, the NHR and the demand for holiday homes from Europeans, the country’s real estate market has seen increases in home sales and home price across the sector.

Gary found the people in Portugal are very accommodating to foreigners and his genuine love for the country, its safe environment, nice climate and great food has helped him choose Portugal as a fantastic place to live with his family.

In this video, Gary will share with you his views on Portugal, the real estate market, along with Portugal residency schemes and tax programmes. You will also learn about the process of buying a property in Portugal, as well as the possible costs. Furthermore, you’ll get to know what are the advantages of moving forward with Portugal Homes, our After Sales services, Private Meetings, among other features.

Please visit the links below to read more on this video’s discussed subjects:

The Portugal Golden Visa Program –
The Non-Habitual Resident Programme –
The After Sales services –
Private Meetings & Seminars –

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