This video highlights the main resources I used to get my golden list of residency programs. I will go over using AMA’s Freida, AAMC’s Residency Explorer, and the IMG Friendly MatchAResident. REMEMBER**** these resources help you get a broad list of programs and in order to refine your list, refer to each of the programs’ individual websites and use these sources including your med school’s previous match lists to CROSS-CHECK these programs!*** DON’T forget to note down which programs need department chair letters when you are researching!! This process will take a while so START NOW!! GOOD LUCK future resident physicians❗️
Video Timeline:
General Info: 0:40
Freida: 2:05
Residency Explorer: 9:57
MatchAResident: 18:20
🦠 COVID-19 + ERAS changes – DUE DATE IS OCTOBER * :
👩🏽⚕️ Hey! My name is Dr. V, thanks for checking out my video. I’m an IM Intern in NYC, graduated from SGU. After having great success through the ERAS/NRMP residency application process (25+ interviews as an IMG), I decided to create this channel as a platform to mentor and provide useful tips for aspiring physicians! Trust me, if I could do it, so can you – set the bar high!
✨ Get personalized ERAS residency application services from successful residents physicians – such as one-on-one interview coaching, PS editing, resume writing, LOR tips, rank list advice, etc. – FILL OUT THIS QUICK FORM and we’ll be in touch:
Let’s connect: Dr. Vaibhavi Solanki, MD
💉Instagram: @iamdoctorv_ (
💉Contact Email for business or collaboration ideas: vs.solanki.md@gmail.com
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** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for advising from your medical school or clinical advisors, as well as any professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This content is indicated to supplement your knowledge and experiences. The advice indicated from the video comes only from my personal experience and research – know that your experiences could be similar or different. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only. Thank you**