E2 Visa Requirement #1: Citizen Of An E2 Visa Country
You have to be a citizen of an E2 visa country. Click here for the official list of E2 visa countries:
Dual nationality is accepted and is how we started Visa Franchise in the first place. For example, Brazil does not have an E2 visa treaty but Italy does. Many Brazilians can claim Italian citizenship through their great grandparents who emigrated from Italy. We have supported 70+ Brazilians with E2 visa passports from Italy, Argentina, Croatia, and other qualifying countries successfully move to the U.S.
If you do not hold an E2 visa eligible citizenship, you can also invest as little as $200,000 through a citizenship-by-investment program in a country that does have the E2 treaty. At Visa Franchise, we have supported clients who have successfully obtained and applied for E2 visas after acquiring citizenship through citizenship by investment programs in Turkey or Grenada.
Visit our E2 Visa Page to learn more about the oldest U.S. Investor Visa Category:
Want to see how we can help you find and vet the right business for your E-2 visa? Click here to apply to be a Visa Franchise client: