The Montenegro Citizenship-by-Investment Program requires applicants to make a defined economic contribution to Montenegrin society through an investment in an approved development project, and a capital contribution to a fund designated by the government for the advancement of under-developed areas.
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The Citizen by investment program of Montenegro is officially announced of new economic citizenship scheme on Oct 1, 2018 for foreign investors. The decision came into force on Jan 1, 2019 and will apply until Dec 31, 2021
Montenegro economic citizenship program (ekonomsko državljanstvo), allows foreigners to be granted the citizenship of Montenegro at the discretion of the Ministry of Interior Affairs and Public Administration through a designated investment.
Montenegro announced new citizen by investment scheme for acquiring Montenegrin citizenship by admission on the basis of a special investment programme based on a special decision published in the Official Gazette of Montenegro 34/10, 40/16 and 62/18.
The scheme was announced on Oct 1, 2018 and will run for only for three years offering investment citizenship to 2000 foreign investors.
Montenegro citizenship scheme is now open for applications effective from Oct 3, 2019. Please contact us for details, we work with trusted and government authorized law firms.
Rare one time limited opportunity for citizenship
Montenegro is a future candidate for EU membership and joins Schengen area by 2025
Cheapest property prices in Europe.
Montenegro is so beautiful receives excess of 1 million visitor arrivals.
Lifetime citizenship for family and generations.
No physical residence requirements.
The model of special citizenship scheme will be a Grant (EUR 100,000) plus Investment (EUR 250,000) model. This means applicants must donate a grant to government and also invest in development projects (hotels, resorts, IT parks, commercial real estate) that create jobs and development of montenegro.
The Montenegro Special Citizenship by Investment Program (MSCIP) will require investments in economic activity (business) that will contribute to the economic development of Montenegro and/or investment in real estate and/or payment of funds into a special account of the Budget of Montenegro.
No language tests, No business experience.
No military service required.
Free movement in EU countries and Schengen area
Invest EUR 250,000 in some of the development projects previously approved by the Government in an undeveloped area of Montenegro, or
Invest EUR 450,000 in some of the development projects previously approved by the Government in the developed area of Montenegro.
Government fee: Additional Donation of EUR 100,000 in the form of Government fee is needed.
Montenegro encourages large investment development projects in Tourist or hotel developments
Montenegro is expected to join EU in 2025 and will be a part of schengen area after that.
Montenegro offers low tax policy for established businesses and individuals.
An applicant may acquire Montenegrin citizenship by admission on the basis of a special program if:
1) For the purpose of the costs of the procedure, he has made a payment to the payment account of the Competent Body in the amount of:
– EUR 15,000.00 for the applicant;
– EUR 10,000.00 for each family member, up to four members at maximum;
– EUR 50,000.00 for each next family member.
2) Has deposited on the ESCROW account an amount of EUR 100,000.00 intended for the development of less developed local self government units for the purpose referred to in Article 18 of the Law on Regional Development;
3) Has deposited on the ESCROW account an amount of at least EUR 450,000.00 for the purpose of investing in some of the development projects in the Capital of Podgorica or the coastal region of Montenegro or an amount of at least EUR 250,000.00 for the purpose of investing in some of the development projects in the northern or central region of Montenegro, save for the Capital of Podgorica;
4) Has not been sentenced in Montenegro or another state by a final and binding court decision to an unconditional prison sentence of more than one year for a criminal offense prosecuted ex officio or the legal consequences of the conviction for such criminal offence have ceased;
5) The international due diligence agent has given a positive opinion, including proof of the origin of the money intended for payment and investment in accordance with this Decision.