**UPDATE** Since the recording of this video, the Portuguese government released news regarding the changes that are not in this video. Read David Poston’s updated statement about these changes on our website:
Facing the recent news about the changes to the Portuguese Golden Visa decided by the government to take effect over the present year of 2021, Portugal Homes Co-Founder and CEO, David Poston, addresses the changes that will come into effect in this video.
Parliament has made it clear they no longer want to allow Visas in both Lisbon and Porto. So, between July 2021 and Jan 2022, these areas will cease to be a viable option for the Golden Visa.
The visa, in general, will take 6 months plus to obtain from the moment you start your application, there are lots of factors that can speed up or slow down your process and they can alter your timelines significantly, such as, how long it takes for a client to visit Portugal for biometrics, which SEF office to use and how quickly they assess the investor’s documents.
If an investor is planning on obtaining a Golden Visa in Portugal and doesn’t mind the area to invest in, then the program will be running for several more years to come and there’s no need to rush.
If the intention is to invest in either Lisbon or Porto, then the investor needs to act quickly. The property options for the 350k visa are becoming limited and the timelines to purchase are longer due to the pandemic and making the investment remotely.
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