Home European Are Cyprus' 'Golden Passports' legal? | Inside Story

Are Cyprus' 'Golden Passports' legal? | Inside Story

Are Cyprus' 'Golden Passports' legal? | Inside Story

An Al Jazeera investigation has revealed Cyprus has been providing European passports to convicted criminals and high-level political figures.
The large leak of passport data to our Investigative Unit exposes serious flaws to the island’s so-called ‘golden passport’ scheme, that’s generated more than $8 billion for its government.
The European Justice Commissioner says he’ll consider legal action against Cyprus.
But can it be stopped?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra

Laure Brillaud, Senior Policy Officer at Transparency International covering the European Union.
Praxoula Antoniadou, President of United Democrats political party and former Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Cyprus.
Jelena Dzankic, Co-Director of the Global Citizenship Observatory at the European University Institute.

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