Malta Citizenship by Investment
If you’re someone from the United States you will note that at the time of making this video the US dollar and EUR are almost equivalent meaning you would be saving over a hundred thousand dollars if not maybe even more like 200,000 by doing the Malta program now compared to over a year or two ago.
Malta citizenship by investment is regarded as the top citizenship by investment program coming with a high price tag of around EUR 1 million but offering the most visa free travel of all the citizenship by investment programs with Visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to 185 destinations. With the Maltese passport you have visa free travel to the United States, Canada amongst other major countries. Caribbean citizenship by investment programs do not have access to the US or Canada. Malta allows dual citizenship so you can have multiple citizenships.
Some of the advantages of Malta citizenship are that the country is strategically located and connected to Europe and with citizenship you are allowed to live, work and study anywhere in the EU. If you are a high networth individual doing this program might be a great opportunity for you and your family especially if you want to do business in Europe.
Some frequently asked questions about Malta citizenship program include:
Who can be included in an application?
Main applicants can include their spouse or long-term partner, minor children, dependent children who are unmarried under the age of 29, and dependent parents or grandparents over the age of 55. Please consult us to see if your dependents qualify.
Are you required to visit the country?
Yes. There is a residency component and you must also visit Malta to take the Oath of Allegiance before citizenship is obtained. There are other programs in the Caribbean which do not require you to ever visit the country and get a passport.
How long does the process take?
It can take over 12 months to do the program and get citizenship.
What are my general thoughts about the program and is it worth it? While there are more steps involved compared to other citizenship by investment programs because you physically need to go there, this program in my view is worth it for any high networth person. It is a European citizenship program and has the highest visa free travel, is a high ranked passport and gives you the right to live, work and travel in Europe. If you need to open bank accounts or do further business in Europe this could be a great option for you and your family.