In this video, we inform you about the procedure and conditions for applying for Spanish Citizenship for persons from all over the world with Sephardic Origin
You can see our web about Sephardic Spanish CitizenShip ( ) and you can write us and send messages to: sephardicc@gmail.com and cciriano@icab.cat . We can help you in the whole process of processing Spanish Citizenship: preparing the documents, submitting in the Ministry of Justice,s web, and selecting the Notary (Notario) for you, going with you there, and after, following the file and adding new documents if necessary until the procedure will be solved. And , finally, helping you with the Jury Process (Juramento de la Constitución y Nacionalidad española). We encourage you, to prepare all the documents, and Spain is Your home, and “Bienvenidos a vuestra casa de toda la vida, España, sefardíes de todo el mundo”. Kind regards. César David Ciriano (www.nacionalidadsefardies.es)
You can email us to: sephardicc@gmail.com and cciriano@icab.cat