Home Caribbean Spending my Winter Break in University | SGU Medical School, Covid Testing, The Cliff

Spending my Winter Break in University | SGU Medical School, Covid Testing, The Cliff

Spending my Winter Break in University | SGU Medical School, Covid Testing, The Cliff

Good morning everyone, and welcome back to GooniLog! My name is Eric and I am a premed student studying at St. George’s University in this wonderful island called ‘Grenada’. So today, I went to Open Modica, the school study hall, to get my barcode sticker of verification for my second Covid testing.

Due to recent outbreak of covid patients in Grenada, all students on campus had to get another covid testing. And because the place where the outbreak happened was close to campus. The school made it mandatory for all students who were still in Grenada to get another test for covid.

Thank you so much for watching this video. If you enjoyed it, please press that like button and that subscribe button as well. I upload videos every week about our school, Grenada, and premed. And I try to make it both informative and fun to watch. You can also follow me on instagram @goonigram. If you have any questions about the island or the school, you can message me through there or leave a comment down below.

So again guys, thank you so much for watching. And I will see you guys in the next video!



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