Covid-19 has changed the landscape of citizenship by investment. These are the best CBI schemes for affordable pricing, easy to apply and passport benefits. Infact many caribbean countries offer cheaper government discount for families applying.
These are the best citizenship by investment programs for 2020.
1. Vanuatu – US$130,000 (1 month)
2. St Kitts and Nevis – US$150,000 (3 months)
3. Saint Lucia – US$100,000 (3 months)
4. Dominica – US$100,000 (3 months)
5. Turkey – US$250,000 (3 months)
6. Antigua and Barbuda – US$100,000 (3 months)
7. Grenada – $150,000 (3 months)
8. Montenegro – €350,000 (2 months)
9. Cyprus – €2,200,000 (6 months)
10. Malta – €1m (12 months)
11. Bulgaria – €1m (24 months)
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