Time for a Passport Run to the US Embassy in Ta Qali, Malta to pick up a passport renewal. Renewed the passport a few weeks back in Gozo and delivered the renewal form, processing fee, and new passport photo to Embassy employees who were nice enough to come to Gozo on a quarterly basis to handle such business matters. Now the passport has arrived at the US Embassy in Malta and it’s time to go pick it up. This involves a series of small trips: First, I take my motorcycle on a 4 mile journey to the ferry port of Mgarr Harbor in Gozo, cross the channel on the ferry to Cirkewwa Harbor in Malta, then take 2 buses (41 and 56) to reach the Embassy location. All went well getting to the Embassy, however, the return trip was not so good as bus 56 never arrived in the 2 hours I was waiting at the stop so I had to take an alternate bus at a stop a few blocks away and finally reached the harbor in time to catch the 6 pm ferry which made for a long day, but the good news is that I have my new passport and the journey doesn’t have to be repeated for another 10 years!