#residenceinspain #socialroots #tolentinoabogados
Social roots is a type of temporary residence permit in Spain for exceptional circumstances that is valid for one year. This permit is given to foreign citizens who are in Spain for at least 3 years and have family or work ties there or who, for their part, are socially integrated.
To obtain residency, you must meet the following requirements. You no longer have to stand in line for the application of arraigo, our experts do the procedure for you via telematic so you will have a favorable response ahead of time.
Necessary documentation:
1. The official application form for social integration in duplicate (EX-10), duly completed and signed by the interested foreigner.
2. Complete copy of the passport, travel document or registration card with a minimum validity of four months.
3. Documentation accrediting the continued stay in Spain.
4. Certificate of criminal record issued by the authorities of the country or countries in which he/she has resided during the last five years prior to entry into Spain.
5. Certificate of marriage or of the registry of couples.
6. Birth certificate, legalized, apostilled and translated if applicable.
7. Report of social insertion issued by the Autonomous Community of the applicant’s habitual residence.
8. Employment contract with the required characteristics, signed by the employer and the worker.
Copy of the N.I.F. of the company.
For more details, go to our website:
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