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We made it…

We made it…

@TheBakerBus – Week 6 (28th Nov 21)

This week we have been traveling south through Portugal, taking in the sights. This included a fantastic inland lake called “Foz do Arehlo”, which was mirror flat in the morning (perfect for a family SUP) and windy in the afternoon for daddy to go kitesurfing. A great surf location at “Beleal”, near the Peniche peninsular, where it was windy enough to go windsurfing. And “Guincho” the famous windsurfing spot, just outside Lisbon. This looked particularly challenging, so fortunately there was no wind, and daddy didn’t have to risk going out!!!
The main highlight for the week was catching up with fellow Eastbournians, Louise and Matt Horne who are renovating a farm ruin in Monchique (30 mins from the Algarve coast). Thank you guys for having us for the night, what a stunning property and amazing job you’re doing.
We planned to tour along the Algarve and southern Spanish coast around Cadiz, but the weather turned, and after multiple issues getting services for the BakerBus, we decided to hot foot it to our favourite spot Tarifa. We have so loved being back in our Winter home. The kids have caught up with Leon up the road, lots of friends from last year have already come to find us and we got to catch up with Jamie and Angela from Gibraltar 😊(best Chamois board meeting ever!)

We hope you are all doing OK at home, The BakerBus x

This weeks YouTube videos:
Windsurf Baleal:
Family Surf Session:



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