Home European Kotor Montenegro, Why we own a home here. (American Expat Retirement in Europe 2021)

Kotor Montenegro, Why we own a home here. (American Expat Retirement in Europe 2021)

Kotor Montenegro, Why we own a home here. (American Expat Retirement in Europe 2021)

We bought our home in Kotor Montenegro in 2016, we were enchanted by this medieval city from first sight. With the low cost of living, Mediterranean climate, UNESCO Heritage designation, and it’s popularity as a tourist destination for Eastern Europeans and the British it made perfect sense to buy here. As we travel Europe over the next 5 to 10 years we will be using our home in Montenegro as our home base, rest assured our journey is not ending.

Join our Facebook Group at:

International Medical Plans for Expats, Nomads, Students, Missionaries, Groups and Employers.
Warren will make a commission if you use this link for International Medical Plans with IMGlobal:

We posted an AirBnb listing for our Kotor Montenegro home. Feel free to check for availability, and contact us directly to book if desired.
Our Airbnb Rental Rate
Season June 1 to September 30
3 Night Minimum €70 per day
1 Week €400
2 Week €750
1 Month/30 Day €1,100
Off Season October 1 to May 31
3 Night Minimum €45 per day
1 Week €250
2 Week €450
1 Month/30 Day €750

Kotor Montenegro UNESCO World Heritage link:

Do you want to live abroad as an Expat? Are you looking for affordable and viable options? We are exploring the world to see what it’s like to live in a country, and also discover if Residency is an option.

We began our retirement in March of 2020 with the intent to travel the world, spending 1-3 months in a country or location. We want to see what it’s like to live there and not simply visit, and we want to share these experiences and the costs with whoever wishes to follow along.

If your looking for a place in Europe to live or retire Montenegro may be an option, stay tuned and follow along.

We will make a commission on these links, your rates are not impacted.

If you are interested in our travel luggage here is the suitcase we call Big Blue:

Here is our Grey suitcase:

Here is the Selfie Stick used by Warren:

Dog backpack:

Julie and I retired early not by luck but by planning.
One of our spokes to our wheel for savings, and now an income stream
is Fundrise. Basically we are invested in many apartment complexes around the country.
We get a portion of the rents in the form of dividends, and growth in value with the appreciation
of the properties. We currently have selected an income REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust)
which historically pays between 7.5% – 9% annually in dividends. You can chose a balanced REIT which has a split between appreciation and dividends or a REIT where it’s focused on appreciation and not dividends.
Check it out to see if it’s a fit for your savings, or retirement strategy. Feel free to share this with those you feel may benefit from this program.

If you wish to contact us email: warrenjulietravel@gmail.com

Join our Facebook Group at:

#Expats #Nomads #InternationalLiving



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