Home European General Knowledge | Official Residences | What is the name of Pakistan President Residency?

General Knowledge | Official Residences | What is the name of Pakistan President Residency?

General Knowledge | Official Residences | What is the name of Pakistan President Residency?

Crack any problem , Official Residences , General Knowledge , G.K , Current Affairs , General Knowledge and Current Affairs , General Studies , General Knowledge Questions And Answers
1. What is the name of Pakistan President Residency?
Ans: Ivane Sadan
2. What is the name of Pope Residency?
Ans: Vatican Palace
3. What is the name of Russia President Residency?
Ans: Kremlin
4. What is the name of Spain King Residency?
Ans: Royal Palace
5. What is the name of South Korean President Residency?
Ans: Blue House



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