Calypso Bay is a citizenship by investment development that started in the early 2000’s and finished up around 2006 or 2008.This development borders on the Caribbean ocean and all houses at the time of this video would qualify you for citizenship under the new law as long as the house itself appraises for at least 400,000 USD even if it was sold for citizenship before Jan. 2012 but if you buy a house that was used to get citizenship before that date you cannot resell that same property to someone else that wants to use that same property to get citizenship. The only exception to this is if the resell you buy now was bever bought to get citizenship.If you would like to legally get your income taxes to zero or to get a second passport in as quick as 45 days go to the above website and hit the button on the top of the page and click on the tab that says APPLY WITH US and then fill out the questions and then hit the button on bottom that says SEND IT TO US and we will get back to you to help solve your problem. Thank you.